有鉴于 Ethena 的成功案例,市场上也浮出越来越多生息稳定币相关协议。
In this issue, FinTax will review the Oyster case and the Bitqyck case, using these two ICO-related tax evasion cases as examples to provide crypto investors with sober thinking about tax compliance during the meme coin craze.
2024年12月22日晚间,由HashKey Chain主办,MetaEra、Orbiter Finance、Umy.com联合主办的「HashKey Hacker House Taichu」圆满落幕。这场以“Web3 Applications Within Regulatory Frameworks”为主题的黑客松,吸引了来自全球的优秀开发者,为探索区块链未来提供了全新的视角。
Bo Hines将担任特朗普加密委员会的执行董事。29岁的Bo Hines是一名政坛和加密新人,尚未公开过对于加密货币的立场。在从政前,他是一名大学橄榄球运动员,并曾在2022年、2024年两次竞选北卡罗来纳州众议院的席位。
AI Agent+DeFi、AI Agent打钱Fi、AI Agent融合链有多少新奇好玩的东西出来,让市场的接下来的“爆炸”来佐证。
【GPT】Chainlink 推出智能价值回收(SVR),一种基于其价格预言机的 DeFi 最大可提取价值(MEV)回收解决方案,初期专注于借贷协议的清算 MEV。SVR 减少第三方依赖,提升安全性和效率,通过与 Flashbots MEV-Share 集成实现价值回收。回收的价值按比例分配给 DeFi 协议和 Chainlink 网络,支持其经济可持续性。当前已在测试网运行,未来计划扩展至跨链和更高去中心化版本。来源于MarsBit专栏作家Chainlink
有鉴于 Ethena 的成功案例,市场上也浮出越来越多生息稳定币相关协议。
In this issue, FinTax will review the Oyster case and the Bitqyck case, using these two ICO-related tax evasion cases as examples to provide crypto investors with sober thinking about tax compliance during the meme coin craze.
来源:链上数据分析师 Murphy筹码结构决定着 BTC 价格回调的下限每一次推动市场情绪变化的事件发生,都伴随链上换手量的突然...
分析师预计,以太坊将在稳定币、代币化和 AI 领域保持主导地位,并通过重质押和二层网络的创新推动生态系统发展,价格有望突破历史新高。
The Israeli Securities Authority (ISA) has approved six mutual funds that track the price of Bitcoin, launched by Migdal Capital Markets, More, Ayalon, Phoenix Investment, Meitav and IBI. Fund management fees range from 0.25% to 1.5%, and one of the funds is actively managed with the goal of outperforming Bitcoin. Initially, these funds will only trade once a day, but they may be able to trade continuously in the future.
Turkey today issued new cryptocurrency anti-money laundering (AML) regulations, requiring users with a single transaction amount exceeding 15,000 Turkish lira (about $425) to provide identity information to crypto service providers. The regulations will officially take effect on February 25, 2025.
在接下来一个月内,任何人都可以通过 Daydreams 部署 AI Agent,来游玩 Starknet 上任何基于 Dojo 的全链游戏。
In this issue, FinTax will review the Oyster case and the Bitqyck case, using these two ICO-related tax evasion cases as examples to provide crypto investors with sober thinking about tax compliance during the meme coin craze.
Recently, World Liberty Financial (hereinafter referred to as WLFI), which has close ties with the Trump family, has frequently purchased ETH, LINK, AAVE, ENA, etc., triggering a follow-up craze in the market and becoming an indicator that cannot be ignored in the crypto investment market.
【GPT】Quantum Biology DAO(QuantumBioDAO)是一项致力于推动量子生物学研究与应用的去中心化组织,近期通过代币拍卖筹集了约688.6万美元,远超预期目标。量子生物学研究探索生物系统中的量子效应,涉及健康、环境、量子计算等领域。QuantumBioDAO 通过研究所、DAO和孵化器三大实体协作,推动技术开发、商业化及公众教育,计划通过代币经济、IP许可和仪器研发等多元化模式实现可持续发展。来源于MarsBit专栏作家KarenZ